- Najlepsi strzelcy - sezon 2024/2025 |
1. | Igor Dąbek
| 27 bramek
2. | Kewin Wawrzeńczyk
| 17 bramek
3. | Adam Tylus
| 5 bramek
- | Michał Rojek
| 5 bramek
5. | Wiktor Tracz
| 4 bramki
6. | Adrian Talarski
| 2 bramki
- | Cezary Leśniański
| 2 bramki
8. | Dawid Grygiel
| 1 bramka
- | Przemysław Bielewski
| 1 bramka
Guestbook Messages Received |
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I enjoy looking through your web sites. Kudos! |
Great web page you possess here. |
While Craigslist wasn't designed to be a particularly professional solution, like Facebook it has moved more into the mainstream over time.
Perhaps you've been searching for the most effective link building technique to help you get better ranking for your website and to generate significant traffic. If you want real feedback and comments, set those two settings up before you go any further with your blog. |
There are two schools of thought about requiring your readers to sign into your website before they can leave comments.
A successful blog is one that always puts the readers first. t prevent everything, so you will have to occasionally manually remove comments on your own. |
thank a lot for your web site it assists a whole lot. |
While Craigslist wasn't designed to be a particularly professional solution, like Facebook it has moved more into the mainstream over time.
A successful blog is one that always puts the readers first. I recently ran across a news story talking about a lawsuit pertaining to an internet user who wrote a comment on someone's blog. |
Thanks intended for offering many of these good articles. |
Neat Website, Maintain the useful work. Thanks a lot! |
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Internet has really made it easy for people get all their things done instantly and with complete satisfaction and security.
For instance, the website should have an easy to follow layout. In short, you need to have a USP for your portal, for example, provide users with e-brochures or provide them the product details with suitable animation. |
www.poomoc.pl | |
Galerie | |
Historia Włókniarza | |
Ostatnia kolejka | XIII kolejka - 09/10.11.2024
Piast Zawidów 0 - 3MKS Włókniarz Mirsk |
Następna kolejka | XIV kolejka - .03.2025
Błękitni Studniska Dolne - MKS Włókniarz Mirsk |
Tabela Klasa A |
Mie. | Druż. | Kol. | Pkt. |
1. | Włókniarz | 13 | 31 |
2. | Piast | 13 | 31 |
3. | Stella | 13 | 24 |
4. | Czarni | 13 | 24 |
5. | Fatma | 13 | 22 |
6. | Iskra | 13 | 22 |
7. | Korona | 13 | 18 |
8. | Łużyce II | 13 | 18 |
9. | Błękitni | 13 | 17 |
10. | Sudety | 13 | 17 |
11. | Cosmos | 13 | 13 |
12. | Olsza | 13 | 12 |
13. | WKS | 13 | 9 |
14. | Granit | 13 | 4 |
Gmina Mirsk | |
Słowo Sportowe | |
90 minut | |
Łączy Nas Piłka | |
DZPN Wrocław | |
| |